The Board has been working with Sterling to further understand their inspection process and our expectations. Part of this is their notes, what residents see on their accounts, and when letters are mailed out. Below are a few notations you may see online and what they mean.

Compliance modified by user during inspection – This means the previous issue was opened by the inspector and a notation was made. In the program used by Sterling, the user is the inspector. This does not denote whether the resident was or was not in compliance. We understand this can be a little confusing.

Monitor – The inspector did not see a previous violation on the most recent inspection. They will mark it as such for two months and if e violation does not reappear in that time, it will be closed.

Hold – The inspector noted a new or previous compliance violation still exists. However, Sterling or the Board does not believe a letter should be sent or the next step in the fine policy will not be enforced. Examples of when this would be used are a modification noted but an ARC application is awaiting a decision; yards the past two months with watering restrictions; or issues that a resident has directly written to the Board about and the Board has agreed to grant them time to resolve.

There is a short delay between the inspection date and the process completion. The Board has asked for an initial report so we can review all violations first. Until the process is completed and all letters are processed, “Compliance modified by user during inspection” is all that will appear. When we close out the process, Monitor, Hold, or a letter should appear on your account. The full fine policy can be found on or the Sterling website. If you get a letter, responding on the Sterling website or directly to the Board is advisable to let us know how or when the violation will be cured to prevent any fines. We are willing to work with reasonable residents who are willing to communicate their intentions.

Updated 10/22/23