As we near the end of Winter, and Spring blooms are around the corner, it is almost time for the pool to be open for those members who have a Swim at your own risk form on file. The gate will allow entry for those that have a completed SAYOR linked to their access cards. If you need to complete a form, please download one from the website at and email the address listed on the form. If you have completed and submitted this form previously you do not need to submit a new one.
We have seen an increase in the number fountain pumps being damaged when fishing line is sucked up into the pump intakes. As a means to proactively avoid future damage to the pumps, from fishing line, we have approved the installation of mesh nets on each fountain pump. While this may not stop all fishing lines from getting into the pumps; it should greatly decrease the frequency of it.
Plants will be cut back in late February and early March depending on the weather forecast. Dead plants will be replaced as needed. We have started looking for ideas and soliciting quotes for new plants along the pool and at the Enclave entrance. Projected installation is to take place this spring.
Tree trimming is in full swing and will be ongoing for several weeks. Bag worms have been an issue for the past couple of years. In order to take control of the situation, we have asked IMS to provide a quote to treat the bagworms and hopefully exterminate them once they become active.
You may notice that mulch will be laid differently this year. As opposed to the pump truck used the past couple of seasons, IMS will distribute mulch via bags. This will be done directly via IMS employees and not subcontracted. Reshaping of tree-rings will start in March and establish a well around each tree trunk to ensure the trees receive more water. Existing mulch that is in good condition will be turned and redistributed.
Now is the time to start planning for a beautifully restored lawn this spring and summer. Be proactive and don’t wait for Sterling to send you a notice. Communication is always a key part of meeting compliance. If you do receive a notice, it is recommended you email Sterling with your plan to better the current state of your yard. No one wants to get a fine and no one wants to issue one, but upon the third notice a $25.00 fee will be issued. If you need additional information or would like to address the board in your correspondence regarding any issue of compliance; please email us at .
Clear out your household clutter and make some money doing it! The neighborhood garage sale is coming up. To ensure the neighborhood has a strong turnout of potential customers we are working with the HOA for WildWood at Oakcrest to have our sales coincide. We will publish the date soon.
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for 2/23/23 at 7pm central. The zoom link will be posted prior to the meeting. Please take the time to attend virtually and greet our new board members:
Brian Luckett,
Jackie Shulz,
Troy Davenport
Formal board positions will be announced during the meeting.
Please take the time to consider joining or volunteering for one of the HOA committees.
It’s a great way to meet your neighbors, make new friends, and help your community.
If you would like to contact one of the committees their email address are listed below.